Project Help

Project HELP (Hope & Empowerment ~ Leveraging Possibilities)

Our Mission

Project HELP's mission is to ensure the educational rights and protections due under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to all students experiencing homelessness.

Program Goals

Three primary goals of Project HELP include: (1) providing services to an increasing number of Austin ISD students under McKinney-Vento, (2) maintaining partnerships/collaborations with our many community resource collaborators, and (3) ensuring our service strategies are student-centered and aligned with students foremost being academically successful.

Homeless Children and Youth under the McKinney-Vento Act

Who are Homeless Children and Unaccompanied Youth?

McKinney-Vento Act (Section 725) identifies homeless children and youth as those who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. Key provisions in identifying homeless children and youth include, but are not limited to: 

  1. Doubled-up with other persons due to loss of housing, hardship or similar reason
  2. Living in motels, outdoor/public spaces, substandard housing or similar settings
  3. Living in shelters (emergency or transitional) or transitional housing programs
  4. Migratory children who are living in any of the above circumstances 

To learn more about Project Help visit the Austin ISD Project Help site